Govern Officials Concern For COVID-19 Trends
So as you know, we are creeping up again in the numbers for COVID-19 cases. Dr. Tam, our Chief Health Public Officer of Canad, mentioned the other day that Canada is at a crossroads.
As you can see in the graph below, the forecast does look quite grim.
In her press conference the other day, Dr. Tam stated that “So my message today is the time is now. We are at a bit of a crossroads…If you manage to reduce those contacts and make some choices of not going to big gatherings and some of these events, you can manage this without a lockdown.”
The provincial government plans to have fewer cases over the colder months to don’t have to lockdown. But should we continue what we are doing in terms of attending large gatherings, we will face that real soon.
On the evening of September 23, 2020, the Prime Minister made his emergency nation address to Canadians about the COVID-19 update. One of the scariest remarks was when he stated that, “In our four biggest provinces, the second wave isn’t just starting, it’s already underway…we’re on the brink of a fall that could be much worse than the spring.”
When our leaders call on us to do our part for a fate more than spring, we need to step up our game to fight this invisible enemy.
Action Is Needed
So what can we do to flatten the curve, again? In addition to frequent washing of hands, social distancing, refraining from attending gatherings and testing when you observe the first sign of symptoms, wearing a mask is crucial in the fight against COVID-19.
If you haven’t watched our masks video from last week, you can check it here in our smart videos section.
Which Masks are effective?
Did you know that not all masks are created for similar purposes? Some have different capacities in catching droplets. We should think masks beyond “I need a face covering of some sort just to get by.” The better we commit ourselves to flatten the curve, the fewer cases and deaths will occur.
If you are wondering how the masks size up to one another, here is an infographic:
A good rule of thumb to see if your mask is effective is try blowing out the flame of a candle. If you can extinguish, you need to reconsider a better alternative as you sneeze or cough; those droplets can pass through quite easily.
About That Valve Mask
Let talk about that valve mask for a moment.
We may have seen that mask at least once during the pandemic. We might have thought this is a cool looking, high-tech mass. However, the Center for Disease Control warned that wearing these masks is just the same as having no masks. That valve allows droplets to escape, which renders the whole point of the maks useless.
Wrap Up
Again, it’s up to us on how we tackle the next few weeks in flattening the curve again to prevent another lockdown. Wearing a proper mask, washing hands, and keeping our space is the best way we can do until we can wait for a vaccine to happen.
As the Prime Minister stated last night, September 23, 2020, “It’s all too likely we won’t be gathering for Thanksgiving, but we still have a shot at Christmas.” Let’s all hope we can meet with our loved ones again when the holidays arrive.
Worried about your health? Worry no more, book an appointment now to speak with a health specialist!